TreeHouse Foods prioritized ESG objectives.

TreeHouse Foods prioritized ESG objectives.

OAK BROOK, ILL. According to TreeHouse Foods, Inc., it has established a reduction target for Scope 3 emissions by the end of 2025 and aims to reduce 25% of its Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon footprint by 2030. The company’s recently published ESG report contained the aims.

In addition, TreeHouse Foods aims to reduce food loss and waste by 50% by 2030, cut water usage by 20% across all manufacturing sites by that same year, and increase landfill diversion to 90% by that same year. TreeHouse Foods also stated that by 2030, all packaging should be recyclable, reusable, or compostable; by 2025, problematic and unnecessary plastics should be removed from packaging; and by then, all packaging

should maintain an average of at least 20% post-consumer recycled content.TreeHouse Foods aims to achieve a zero-incidence target by 2030 by reducing the total recordable incident rate (TRIR) by 20% in the area of people and communities. TreeHouse Foods stated that one of its objectives is for its workforce to reflect both the communities in which it operates and the customers and consumers who buy its products. To this end, the company plans to provide annual diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training for all employees by 2024, as well as purposeful learning and development programs for staff members. Additionally, the company plans to collaborate with professional, academic, and community organizations to draw in and hire a diverse pool of talent, as well as work toward providing transparent internal mobility procedures that will foster successful career advancement. Finally, by 2030 and beyond, equal employment opportunity (EEO-1) data will be disclosed. TreeHouse Foods will also contribute.

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Steve Oakland, chairman, president, and CEO of TreeHouse Foods, stated, “I am happy to share our updated goals for 2030. Advancing our ESG initiatives continues to be a top priority for TreeHouse.” “As we work to realize our customers’ ESG goals, our progress toward these goals will benefit not only our environment and communities, but also our strategic partnerships with our customers on similar ESG journeys.”

The company stated that in light of a major meal preparation business divestment that took place in October 2022, its 2030 ESG goals are consistent with TreeHouse Foods’ continued commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

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