SnackFutures CoLab Tech has selected nine startups for its cohort.

SnackFutures CoLab Tech has selected nine startups for its cohort.

Ian Noble, vice president for global ingredient research and development at Mondelez International, said, “One of the most exciting parts of this process was learning about the creative and clever solutions being developed across the globe to solve the food industry’s most pressing ingredient, process, and sustainability challenges.” “We are excited to begin working and learning from these innovative entrepreneurs who will share their knowledge with us and show us new possibilities.”

The nine individuals are:

Captic, which aids food manufacturers in finding chances for cost and profit reduction;

Computonics, which tracks infections via metagenomics analysis and machine learning;

Cultivated Biosciences, which creates a dairy-free, creamy fat component through fermentation technology;

Eggmented Reality, which creates specialized functional components through precision fermentation;

Epogee, the creator of an altered plant-based oil that preserves mouthfeel, satiety, and texture while cutting calories and fat;

Prote-in uses a continuous carbon dioxide fermentation technique to manufacture proteins that are carbon-negative and do not require farming;

SoilTech Wireless is a company that develops data analytics platforms and wireless sensing technology to enhance the worldwide agriculture supply chain.

Stephane Thermal Runs, developing novel sensors and software to enhance baked snack thermal profiling;

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