Pork processor makes $228 million facility investment

Pork processor makes $228 million facility investment

The vertically integrated pig processor Clemens Food Group has revealed plans to invest $228 million to build a new factory in Hatfield that would enable expanded production of prepared sausage and smoked meats. Over the following three years, the initiative is expected to generate 87 new full-time jobs.

“We’re happy to be able to grow our business in Pennsylvania,” Clemens Food Group President Brad Clemens said. “Without the assistance of the DCED, our vendor partners, and most significantly, our talented team members, we would not have been able to accomplish this.”

Despite Clemens’ $228 million commitment to the project, the company announced that it has received a funding proposal for a $2.5 million Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant and a $215,400 workforce development grant from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to aid in employee training.

The governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, said of the family-run company, “Clemens Food Group: founded in Hatfield, built on hard work, committed to offering quality foods from responsible farming practices.” The company has been a mainstay in the town for more than a century. “My administration is delighted to assist a venerable Pennsylvania company like Clemens in its ongoing expansion, providing the community with nearly ninety new career opportunities in the food manufacturing industry.”

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Clemens Food Group is a sixth-generation family business that was established in Hatfield. The business has a network of more than 25 farms in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Indiana.

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