Looking for the ideal recipe without gluten

Looking for the ideal recipe without gluten

Claims that a product is gluten-free appeal to a wide range of customers, but mostly to people who have celiac disease. However, when buying baked goods, cereals, pastas, and snack items, those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity and an increasing number of consumers attempting to reduce their intake of refined grains may also find the gluten-free claim useful.

“The bakery industry is heavily impacted by health and wellness issues,” stated Kalyna DeAngelo, coordinator of marketing and social media at Abe’s Vegan Muffins in West Nyack, New York. “There are more people continuing to make the move because gluten has been proved to contribute to health concerns for some people.”

According to the International Food Information Council Foundation (IFIC), Washington, the percentage of Americans who say they eat gluten-free has increased to 9% from 6% in the 2019 Food & Health Survey. That equates to almost 30 million individuals. The assertion is very appealing in food marketing because of the magnitude of the population.

Thankfully, as customer interest in gluten-free baked goods has grown, the taste, texture, and even nutrition of these products have improved over time. Still, the industry acknowledges that improvements may be made. In order to give gluten-free eaters the option to enjoy a bagel for breakfast, a bun for their burger, or a slice of birthday cake, ongoing efforts are being made.

Claims that a product is gluten-free appeal to those who follow specific diets, like paleo, keto, and low-carb. According to IFIC data, in 2022, 7%, 6%, and 3% of Americans adhered to these diets.

The US Food and Drug Administration regulates the gluten-free claim, in contrast to the names of the diets. For items labelled as gluten-free, the FDA set a standard of less than 20 parts per million (ppm) for the inevitable presence of gluten. That is the lowest level that reliable scientific analytical methods can reliably detect in food.

In order to successfully remove wheat and other gluten-containing grains from flour-like formulations, product makers frequently look to elements that support wellbeing and health, like proteins and fibres. A few of the fibres and proteins

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The founder and CEO, Alex Duong, stated, “Our crackers are gut friendly because they are full of prebiotic fibre to nurture the gut and free from ingredients known to disrupt it.” “Green banana flour, our top ingredient, provides us prebiotic fibre. Before the green bananas reach their full size and before their starches turn into sugar, they are picked. The flour doesn’t have a banana flavour.

According to the company, green banana flour also lessens environmental waste by utilising extra and undesired green bananas. It permits a no-added-sugar claim as well.

Because citrus fibres offer excellent water-holding qualities and help with texture and gradual staling, they are frequently used as components in gluten-free baked goods and snacks. Citrus fibres are an ingredient that is recycled from the making of fruit juice, therefore adding them helps the customer while also reducing food waste.

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