Indiana will host a baking factory for King’s Hawaiian.

Indiana will host a baking factory for King’s Hawaiian.

The brand’s signature Hawaiian Sweet Rolls will be produced at the new plant, according to Joe Leonardo, senior vice president of King’s Hawaiian, and possibly more items as capacity and innovation allow.

Mr. Leonardo stated, “We are currently dealing with a wonderful problem of being capacity-constrained here.” “Two years ago, we began a site search to find the appropriate communities to join. For many wonderful reasons, I love Taylorsville, Indiana, especially its manufacturing-based community, infrastructure, and community-focused initiatives.

According to Mr. Leonardo, King’s Hawaiian has acquired 88 acres with the intention of building a 300,000 square foot complex over a number of phases. He projected that 125 to 150 jobs would be created in the first phase.

“We are considering the possibility of putting a freezer on the premises, providing space to plan (extra features) so that the facility can be staffed entirely,” Mr. Leonardo stated.

The county’s reserve monies were used by the commissioners to provide $2.7 million for necessary off-site infrastructure upgrades. The agreement, which is awaiting ultimate approval from Irresistible Foods officials, specifies the anticipated number of jobs, pay information, and compliance prerequisites.

According to Mr. Leonardo, a formal announcement is anticipated in January 2024, and the parties are currently deliberating over the remaining aspects of the arrangement. There is currently no announced groundbreaking date for the King’s Hawaiian project.

He stated that additional information would be provided in the project’s official announcement and that the operation might start as early as 2026.

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