Apparo certified upcycled ingredient

Apparo certified upcycled ingredient

Apparo, a company that produces plant protein ingredients, has received certification from the Upcycled Food Association for their Solistein sunflower seed protein isolates, earning it the Upcycled Certified designation. Apparo is processing sunflower seeds to recover more nutrition for human use through its Total Crop Utilisation programme.

“Over 90% protein is present in both of our Solistein proteins,” stated Ian Mackay, Apparo’s CEO. “Solistein 002 has a neutral flavour, while Solistein 001 has a sweet taste. We think these choices will elevate plant-based products to new heights in terms of flavour possibilities; they are real game changers.

We are sustainably rerouting available nutritional resources for human consumption by converting crop resources intended for animal feed to food for humans. Sunflower seeds are a big crop in the world and can be expanded considerably more quickly than many other protein sources under study, which is why we opted to work with them. As a result, in terms of scale and speed-to-market, this will have a more immediate and significant sustainability effect.

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